Everyone has been in that situation, where the gift that you gave your love failed miserably. Maybe you didn’t plan, or maybe you just picked the wrong gift.


Good news is is that chances are you can recover from this mishap. Here are some tips that you can use the next time you can actually pick a gift that will make your lady very happy.

1) First off what went wrong?

In order to recover from your bad gift, you’re going to need to analyze went wrong this time.


For example, did you spend enough time trying to pick out a gift that you know she would like?


Or did you try to rush and pick the first thing that came to mind?


Did you analyze her hobbies or think about any hints that she might’ve dropped on you?


All these actions are the first step in order for you to figure out what gift she actually wanted and where you went wrong.


2.) Timing is key.

Plan about how you’re going to rectify the situation. Now that you have analyzed you could start to think about how to actually give her a gift she will actually like.
The question is when?
What I would recommend is to think first the magnitude of how bad your gift was. For example, if it was terribly bad then you might want to try again immediately.
Go through the steps and figure out what would be a better gift and then feel free to use this opportunity to try to rectify the situation.
Another path would be to wait until you have another situation where it makes sense for you to purchase a new gift.
This could be a birthday, promotion, for an anniversary.
For me this is actually the recommended approach because when it comes down to it you don’t want to have that horrible gift that you just gave her fresh in her mind when you were giving her this new gift.
So I would actually recommend that you wait until the next gift giving opportunity to give your gift.
That is…on the grounds that you will actually do the preparation and the due diligence in order to make sure that the gift you give this time around is fantastic.

3.) Planning is essential.

Give yourself plenty of time to think of the perfect gift. You should not be scrambling on Amazon and the night before her birthday in order to actually buy her get her birthday present.
Now is not the time to take a vantage of your Amazon prime account. What you need to do is start thinking about the most perfect gift days if not weeks before hand.
Most people inadvertently drop hints about what they are interested in regularly. You just have to listen. Listen for hints that she could use a new purse, or that she’d love a new set of headphones. Once you start listening for these hints , you’ll notice that these hints will help fill your gift idea list.
Plus now you have all this extra time to shop around before you actually need to buy her gift.

4) Get brainstorming help.

Your first gift didn’t go that well so now is the time that you should get some help.
Feel free to reach out to her friends or family members to get some extra advice on what you’d be interested. You could also try reach out reaching out to your friends. However, keep in mind they should be should know her well and keep her interest in mind.

5.) Give her of the gift in person.

Trust me. After putting a good amount of thought into providing her the most amazing gift possible, you’re going to want to see her reaction when you give her the gift.
Additionally, a gift is much more meaningful when you give it in person. Leading to point Number six…

6.)  Provide an experience beyond the gift.

Think about the location where you want to give your gift. Think about meaningful words that you want to say when you hand it over.
Taking it a step farther, your gift doesn’t even need to be one that is material. When it comes to a gift it’s truly the thought that counts. So creating an experience that she’ll never forget will go along way to make putting a smile on her face.
Some suggestions can be cooking a romantic dinner, planning a picnic in the park, or taking her to her favorite show. When it comes to gift giving, it’s all about thinking about what emotion you really want to draw up in that individual.
So think about creating an experience that will do that, not just giving a gift.

7.) Use a gift receipt as backup.

Okay, so you might be doing all of the steps your gift still not might be the right fit. In this case see if you can actually get a gift receipt so that your love can actually go to check out the item that she’s really interested in.
Remember it’s the thought that counts so you should still put a lot of effort what you’re actually getting her.
It’s not about the money that you’re spending, it more picking a gift that is shows that you love means a lot to you.
If your gift does that, chances are your lady will be happy no matter what you give her.