Whether you are hundreds or thousands of miles from your love, it is tough be in a long distance relationship. You have to try extra hard to let your love know that you care about them when you don’t have the ability to see them on a daily basis.

Easy? Heck no.

The daily moments, touches, dinners, jogs, you name it are essentially momentums of functional connectivity that keeps up a relationship strong.

You should still have to have those daily moments, even though there is many miles between you and your significant other.  

Our goal with this post is to provide you some guidance on how you can maintain your connection with your significant other so that you love stays strong.

1) Determine what your love’s needs are in a relationship

A good start to this would be reading the book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts. It is definitely a great book for couples (especially those who are far away from each other). This book has literally improved my relationship with my wife.

As you are reading the book, determine what the ways that you like to give and review love. Then take a guess on what your love’s languages. Trust us. We suggest sharing the both with you love and asking her herself (this is one area that you don’t want to assume).

2) Determine your optimal cadence for communication

Communication is important in relationships. Even more so when you are in a long distance relationship

When you are freshly new in any relationship, you are texting, calling, FaceTiming on a daily basis.It happens naturally because you dopamine levels are going crazy as you feel that rush of new love. Figure out how to maintain it. Especially if you are in a long distance relationships. That mean even when you are tired from work still make a point to call.

Embrace a communication channels. We are fortunate to live in the 21st century. Technology (texting, video chats, social networks are making it easier to communicate. Use them all)

3) Create remote experiences that you can share

We are in the age of experiences, and shared experience are a great way to have those daily micro moments that I mentioned earlier. Below are some ideas that you can try:

  • Netflix and chill:
    • Think you can’t do this remotely. Sure you can. Start a show at the same time. Then get creative 😉
  • Movies:
    • About three years ago, I had to travel for work for three months. During the weekends, my love and I would go the movies at the same time. Afterwards, we would spend hours on the phone sharing our own review on the movie.
  • Read a book together:
    • Pick a book that you are both interested in. Check out this list for some good book suggestions, and take turns reading to each other. Trust me. Hearing your love read to you is incredibly sexy and calming.

4) Give a “Thinking of You” gift

There are a number of items out there that will help you stay close to your love even though you are miles apart. Check out the items below and you’ll be surprise how much you’ll feel a little closer to your significant other.

The gifting opportunities are endless, so be creative! Remember it is the thought that counts so try to pick a gift that incorporate who you love truly is. Here are a few gift ideas to get you started.

  • Touch lamp – Get one for you and one for your partner. Then whenever you touch it, you partner’s light will glow as well! It is a quick when for you both to show that you are thinking about each other.
  • DIY gifts – Break our your artistic skills and create a gift for your love. A thoughtful do it yourself projects, in my opinion, are way better than than anything that you can buy at a store.
  • Books – Is you love a bookworm? Check out some great books that I’m sure that you love will enjoy. Not only will they get to enjoy the book, but they will think of you whenever the crack open the covers.

5) Schedule a surprise visit

A surprise visit can the perfect way to freshen up a relationship and keep the spark alive. In order to make you surprise visit a successful, take careful considered on that your love has planned during your surprise visit.

If they have a big meeting or event, think twice about scheduling your visit during that time. The last thing that you way is to make your love choose between something that they have been looking forward to or spending time with.

6) Book a getaway trip to reconnect

A getaway trip is a great way to reconnect with your love. And the beauty of these trips are that you and your sweetheart will be alone is a city that is far away from your normal lives. This will give you time to focus on each other.

Need a trip suggestion? Here are some of my favorite cities:

  • San Francisco – Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge with your love and you’ll be rewarded with an amazing view of the city.
  • New York – For those who love cities, in the Big Apple there are a ton of events and activities for couples. My favorite? The High Line.
  • Columbus, OH – The first time that I went to Columbus, I was surprised how cool it was. Check out The Pearl, a can’t miss restaurant with great food, drink, and oysters.

7) Travel hack your way to your love

So how are you going to fund these getaway and surprise trips? Start travel hacking!

Travel hacking is where you use travel rewards to your benefit in a hyped up way. Some examples include taking advantage of credit card rewards points, or racking up points with Hotel brands so that you can start earning free nights. Nothing says I love you more than a good romp in a hotel room!

Now go show your love how close you can be!