Personally speaking, buying a gift should not be the start to any relationship. You should never try to “buy”

your way into a relationship. However, some people look for unique ways to stand out with their person of interest so I have created some tips to help you properly give a gift to your crush without scaring them away.
1) Don’t spend too much on your gift:
The gift should be small in value but big in meaning. Remember, the woman that you had in mind is still your “crush”. There is a very good chance that she has no idea about your feelings about her.
Go for a gift that is high in thought and not in dollar value.
This means that you shouldn’t be buying them two dozen roses, nor should you be spending hundreds of dollars on concert tickets for her.
2) Think about how you know them
How well do you know this woman?
Is she a co-worker? A classmate? A friend? The context how you know her is very important. For example, if she is a co-worker you should be very careful about giving any gifts at all. You wouldn’t want to be accused of playing favorites or for sexual harassment. If she is friend, you need to be careful how a negative response to your gift my affect your friendship.
How long have you known her? If you have been friends and have know each other for years, you have more leeway with your gift (mostly because you probably have a good knowledge of what your crush does like). If you have only known her a short while, tread lightly with the gift giving.
Additionally, this will also help determine how much it is appropriate to spend. Long story short, the longer that you have known her the better.
3) Think about the purpose of this gift
Beside “you like her”, are there any additional reasons for this gift? For example is it her birthday? Did she recently just get a promotion?
This is important because it determines how much she is expecting a gift. For example, if you want to get her a gift for her birthday, there is a good chance that her friends and family members will also be giving her gifts as well. If so, you gift may get lost if the shuffle if you don’t put thought and meaning into the gift that you give.
4) Figure out what she is interested in
In order to pick out a meaningful gift, think about what she is interested. It is a great start to determining a gift that she will be interested in. Some tips based her hobbies:
- Reading – If reading is a hobby of here, that’s great. In my opinion, you have pick out a winner. Start paying attention to who her favorite authors are, if she has a favorite magazine that is hard to find. Or if there is a book reading in your town.
- Cooking – If cooking is her jam, your in luck. From giving her a recipe, buying her a cooking, to asking her if she would be interested in going to a cooking class that you happen to have an “extra ticket for, you have nearly an endless set of options.
- Music – Do you have a favorite music in common? You can do something simple from sending her a Spotify playlist to see if your local artist is participate in a show nearby.
5) Focus on your common interests
Focusing on common interests are a great way to turn your crush into something more. Think about the conversations that you’ve had. Did you both every have enjoyable conversations that just went on and on? Maybe about a certain music group, art, or something else?
If you both have a common interest, your gift should definitely center around this interest. Why? Because it is easy for you to use the gift to lead into something more.
For example, if you are both like your city’s professional sports team. How about surprise her with a hat, tshirt, or tickets to a game (if not to pricey). Your gift doesn’t need to be extravagant, just show that you have been listening.
One word of caution, remember to approach the gift for her point of view. Don’t just buy tickets to the game because you want to go. Make sure that the gift would be that she’d appreciate.
6) Organize an outing
A gift does not need to be a physical object. Organizing a lovely outing can work wonders with women. Buy tickets to a comedy show if you think that she would be interested in a good laugh. Just keep in mind that this can easily be viewed as a date.
7) Presentation is everything
If you are giving a physical gift, make sure that you wrap it up nicely. If you don’t know how to wrap a gift properly, there are plenty of online videos that will make you a pro in no time. Just YouTube it. Don’t forget to use premium wrapping paper.
8) Get her a card
Sometime a simple greeting card is that you need. The key to picking out a great card revolves around 2 points.
First, to put yourself in her shoes and think about what kind of card she would be interested in. Would should like a card that is funny, romantic, silly, or meaningful?
Second, what you write in the card is what will make that card actually stand out. If this gift is tied to another occasion then feel free to compliment her on her promotion, or wish her a happy birthday. However, I would encourage you to take a leap and share some words that show her that you are interested in her.
9) Your attention
Just try giving her your attention. Sometimes something simple as that can actually work wonders. Learn more about her, what she’s interested and really give her your undivided attention. In this day and age that is something that can be very rare.
- Keep is simple – when in doubt keep it simple. Again you’re not trying to buy your way into relationship. And chances are the gift that you give her won’t make a huge difference on whether she likes you or not. Women don’t feeling obligated.
- Play it safe – chocolate, flowers, books (give tips for each)
- Prepare for the reaction (positive- take it to the next level. Ask out for coffee. and negative- remain friends)
- What next? Limit the number of gifts that you give. Remember you’re not trying to buy your way into the relationship.
- It’s all about timing. It’s often not about what you give when you give it.
10) K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple, Silly)
Remember, your gift is not going to make or break whether you likes you back. Keep your gift simple. Don’t spend to much. The key is that your gift should demonstrate that you are thinking about her in a special way. Don’t over complicate it.
11) If your gift bombs…
And if you gift ends up not being a hit??? Well…we have adderessed that here….
Buying a gift for a crush
Kay Anderson
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